By: Reginald Simeon, PDG
Fierte Haitienne FM
Fierte Haitienne FM takes an immense pleasure to wish all our brethren ans sisters a wondrous ‘Happy Haitian Flag Day’. We, Haitians, are all very proud of our flag, for we know clearly how our ancestors prioritized patriotism and sacrificed their lives for the sake of Freedom and Liberty for us. For that, we are grateful. I do not want to recite our story here; rather, I would love for each one of us to think about how we have contributed to our people’s advancement or progression. Self-pride is selfish and useless; community Pride is progressive and valuable; therefore, let us, Haitians, manifest our Pride by combining our efforts for the betterment of a better community. Together, we are strong. Remember “L’Union fait la Force.” Happy Flag Day on behalf of Fierte Haitienne FM.